Wednesday, April 18, 2012

WolphramAlpha, Sporcle, and Qwiki


  1. I think all your websites were very useful and creative. thought they were easy to use and fun to do. And the video itself wasn't boring so id give it a thumbs up.

  2. WolphramAlpha looks like a great website to use to make your life easier when your wanting to search for certain information without having to take your time on searching for it.

  3. wolphramaplha looks pretty great i think, you can anything your needing alot quicker than you could by having to search threw every engine on google.

  4. WolframAlpha looks really cool. I like how fast it comes up with information and it actually gives you a lot of info.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. WolframAlpha looks pretty cool. I like how it gives you a lot of information fast and you don't have to wait for it.

  7. Wolframalpha has really made an impact on the viewers from the comments above. I know it will sound so cliche but I am really excited to use it and see how it helps my own personal search.

  8. Wolframalpha is probably the easiest search engine to use. It makes it so much easier to find that one scrap of information that you're looking for in the stack of encyclopedias 10 miles high called the internet.

  9. i think the first site would be good for wen you move or something the second site would be good for research i really like how easy it is to use and the last site i also like the fact you used screen cast that way i can see what you are talking about
